What Is My Posture Program?

My Posture Program is a research based, educational program designed to empower you to be in control of your spinal health. It starts by teaching you how to correct your posture once and for all and then dives deep into strengthening and stabilizing the spine for long term relief. Too many people are struggling with chronic, spine related pain and are given the same medications, treatments, adjustments, therapies, etc., without any of the lasting relief they are looking for. We know that most of you want to understand what is wrong and learn how to fix it yourself, and then be able to turn to others for help only when you absolutely need it. That is why My posture Program was created!

It is becoming more widely recognized that posture is directly linked to many of the chronic aches and pains people suffer from today. It is evident in how many “posture correcting devices” are being made and sold every day. Yet we know that they do not work in providing the last change you want. Having a device pull you back into a better posture can be helpful, so long as you wear that device. However, it makes your body start to become dependent on the support rather than training you how to do it yourself. As soon as you take it off, you go right back to how you were, and no one wants to wear one of those posture supports for the rest of their lives.

While correcting your posture is extremely important and can be life changing on its own, it is only part of the process. This program also teaches you specific stretches and exercises designed to improve the health of every section of your spine. Simply correcting the posture has a significant impact on lower back pain, but this program includes education specific for the lower back as well. We want to see you free of all spine related pain and back to the life you always planned for!

Lastly, fixing the problems are not enough. Correcting the posture, eliminating the pain, stabilizing the spine – it does not just stop there. We are not interested in you feeling better for a few months, or even a year or two, and then three or four years down the road you are right back where you started. That is simply unacceptable. This program is designed to help you make the lifestyle changes necessary in order to maintain the amazing results you will achieve with My Posture Program for the rest of your life. Knowledge is power, and we believe that with the results, tools, and knowledge provided in this program you will be able to create the lasting change like so many others!

Who Is My Posture Program?

My Posture Program was created by Dr. Sean Tracy, DC. Dr. Tracy is a leading expert in postural correction and spinal health. Dr. Tracy has been empowering his patients to be in control of their spine from his clinic in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl. However, Dr. Tracy recognized that too many people all over the world need this knowledge to improve their own health. Listen to Dr. Tracy explain why he started doing this and how it has grown into the life changing program it has.


“Honestly, I just got tired of treating the same people for the same things over and over again. I knew there had to be a better way. I would tell patients exactly what they needed to do in order to correct their problems themselves, but most would not listen. After taking x-rays on a 12 year old girl who was suffering from debilitating headaches and migraines and seeing that her neck looked like she was in her mid 40’s, I finally said enough is enough. So I created an easy to follow program with all the step-by-step instruction needed for people to correct their posture and their underlying spinal issues. I started to require people to invest in their own health if they wanted to work with me, and the results were incredible. People were actually committed to doing what was recommended and were getting the results they had been searching for. Because my patients were learning how to take care of their own spine, I did not have to keep seeing them in the office. Since then we have been constantly developing and improving the program to get to this point. Now we have students all over the country who are perfecting their posture and eliminating their pain without the need of all the treatments and therapies. It is an incredible time and money saver for all of those who have committed to making the changes for the future of their health and spine! I just cannot thank all the patients enough who have seen the results and encouraged me to get this information out to the masses. I hope to see our entire country standing up straight, without pain, and enjoying their lives in the near future!”

Why Choose My Posture Program?

We know there is a lot of information out there. We know it can feel overwhelming. We live in an information society where you can simply ask your phone almost anything and it will give you an answer. That does not mean it is the right answer or that it is right for you. It can be extremely frustrating to have to sift through all of the wrong, lacking, and often times conflicting information out there. My Posture Program solves this by utilizing tried and tested clinical based information in a proven system to generate maximum results. If you have been looking for a better solution, you have found it! Instead of having to rely on others or some postural support for the rest of your life, you can now be in control of your spinal health. Stop delaying and start fixing the problem today!