Correct Your Posture! Change Your Life!

Start Changing the Future of Your Spinal Health Today!


Are you are sick and tired of the constant neck and back pain? Have you tried everything to relieve those headaches and migraines? Want to stop doing the same treatments over and over again without any lasting results?

If any of these are you and you are ready to correct your posture and address your spinal health, then you are in the right place! My Posture Program is the answer you have been looking for. Learn more about our unique process and incredible value for creating long lasting resolution!

Complete At Home

Our comprehensive course is easy to complete from the comfort of your own home. Receive step by step instruction that has been tried and tested time and time again to deliver maximum results.

Stop Wasting Money

Learn how to be in charge of your own spinal health and wellness. No longer will you need expensive treatments, medications, and doctors visits for something you have the power to control yourself.

Get Active Again

Allow us to teach you how to get out of pain today and change the future of your spinal health for tomorrow. We want to see you active and enjoying life to the fullest again. It starts with taking action.


Our online program takes you through the necessary process to correct your posture for good! Our programs are laid out step by step and are designed for success. With easy to follow instructional videos and in depth supporting documents for quick reference, we have the tools you need to get out of pain and back to life!

Ideal Stretches

Everyone knows stretching is beneficial, but with all the different stretches and information out there, it can be overwhelming. Understand what type of stretching is best for you and your spine.

Corrective Exercises

From simple everyday exercises you can do on the go, to more advanced at home exercises using the postural equipment included free with our programs, we make sure you are doing the right exercises for your spine. No gym required, just a little bit of work for a whole lot of relief.

Lifestyle Changes

Learn what created the problems in the first place and discover easy lifestyle changes that can be implemented today. It is essential not only to correct the problem but to ensure it does not come back.

What Our Members Are Saying About Us

I’m no longer sore when I wake up in the morning. I don’t have headaches. I have much more range of motion. I can move my neck all around. I’m excited for the future because I can go through my day without being in pain. I feel empowered because I know how to maintain this for myself.
Lori N
It’s only been a few months and I’m already feeling the treatment working. The plan Dr. Tracy made for me I’m able to perform from all the way in California where I live. I finally feel like I have control over my body and with the plan I was given, I’m able to correct any pain I’m feeling.
Robert L
Hotel Manager
I've always had a back problem, and the program has helped a lot in reducing that discomfort. The program has helped a lot with my mental state. I'm not worried about tweaking my back or having to deal with pain..... It has put control back into my hands and helped me to be responsible for my spinal health.
Mark M

Join Us Today!

The solution you have been searching for is right here in front of you! Stop just living with the pain and being worried about what the future holds! Correct your posture, strengthen your spine, and take back control of your future!