Choose The Best Program That Suits Your Needs

Be Back In Control

Stop wasting your time and money doing the same treatments and therapies over and over again and just hoping for better outcomes! You should not need to rely on others for your spinal health. By completing our educational programs you will be empowered to have complete control over the future of your spinal health. It starts with correcting your posture, then strengthening your spine for the future. Choose your first step below to get started today!

Perfect For All Ages

These programs are appropriate for individuals of all age. Unfortunately, we see more and more teenagers suffering from "Tech Neck." Our students are dealing with neck pain, headaches, migraines, and resulting lack of focus due to the effects of poor posture. Help us to prevent the need for corrective treatment for this next generation by giving them the knowledge they need today! 

The Time Is Now

Our programs are designed to show you and teach you how to start taking back control of your spinal health now and for the rest of your life. We are not interested in you feeling better for a few months or years, and then reverting back to where you started. We do not want to see you have better posture only while wearing a support brace. Our desire is for you to create lasting change to your overall spinal health through proper education and postural correction.



3 Week Program For Beginners & Essential Postural Correction

  • Learn the basics of postural correction in 3 short weeks
  • Understand the foundations for changing the future of your spinal health
  • Receive the instruction needed to get started today and then build upon it tomorrow



7 Week Comprehensive Program For Ideal Spinal Health & Postural Correction

  • The best value and most commonly utilized program
  • Get everything you need to correct your posture and address spinal pain
  • Includes all of the education available in order to obtain optimal results
  • Free postural equipment included
  • This program answers all of your questions and will have you set for the future of your health



3 Month Program With One-On-One Coaching & Program Customization

  • For those who are looking for more guidance and hands on assistance
  • The coaching and accountability allow us to ensure you obtain maximum results
  • We will evaluate your progress and provide unique customization as needed